Rachael talks yoga!

Rachael of Lunasana Yoga, talks teen anxiety, growing a business from scratch, yoga at dusk in the Somerset countryside and why her boys love downward facing dog!

What is it about yoga that you most love?                                                   

Blimey, what do I not love!? I love everything about it. What I think I love best is how it allows you to take your physical and mental health into your own hands. You become so much more in touch with how your body feels and your emotional state. When you start to understand that, you can take sensible and achievable steps to feeling better.

How did you discover yoga as a teenager and what did it bring to your life?             

I was 18 and had struggled with anxiety throughout my late teens. It was the 90s and back then, we didn’t recognise teen anxiety like we do now. I remember finding meditation first, a chance finding of a book that explained how the mind works and how we can begin to understand and “control” our thoughts. I soon found the physical practice of yoga and the two practices changed me beyond belief! More confident, more capable, less scared. I made a lifelong change at that point and thank gods I did!

An orange cresent moon and a dancing flame
The Lunasana Yoga logo designed by Rachael

What about the spiritual side of yoga?

The “spiritual side” of yoga is very personal. You don’t have to be a specific religion to practice yoga. Yoga began as an ancient Hindu philosophy and many of those principles are still included in the modern practice. I believe that you can take the spiritual elements of the practice that call to you. I am a Pagan so my own personal yoga practice involves lots of connection with nature and observing the changing seasonal cycle.

What steps did you take to set up your yoga business?

I started my 200 hour yoga teacher training and while I was training I offered free classes to family and friends. I had 12 turn up on the first night and it just grew from there. When I realised the classes were going to continue, I started asking for voluntary contributions to cover the hall fee and, well things just haven’t stopped growing from that first point. It’s incredible, I am thankful every day.

What are your future goals with your business? 

I’d like to have my own studio. A space just for for yoga, meditation and wellbeing. I want to offer many different styles of yoga and increase the range of massage I can offer.

I am holding my first yoga retreat in March 2020, I’d like to hold many more.

My overall goal is to bring the amazing benefits of yoga to as many people as I can. I love helping people. I want to give them the ability to help themselves.

Rachael and her little boy cuddling on the mat
Rachael and her youngest boy

Do your boys like yoga and what’s their favourite poses?

They love it! Downward facing dog is a firm favourite, but they like to do this between items of furniture!!!! They always stand on one leg and shout “Mummy, look at my balancing!”

I lie in bed with them at night with our legs up the wall in the aptly named “legs up the wall pose” and talk about their day. It really calms them down for bed time.

What is unique about practising yoga outdoors in the Somerset countryside?

I’m not sure there’s anything unique about it, except it’s with me! But there’s certainly something very special about it. Whether it’s at Ham Hill, Yeovil Country Park, in the woods or out in the stunning rolling hills, Somerset is undoubtedly beautiful. And it’s full of beautiful people too. 
A pink sky with the stone circle at Ham Hill and yoga mats
Incredible scenes of yoga at dusk at Ham Hill captured by Derek McCoy photography.
What is your favourite place in Somerset and why? 

Oooooo, that’s a tricky one. Glastonbury comes to mind straight away. It’s an incredible town and I spend a lot of time there. When I feel a bit frazzled I’m drawn to the Village I grew up in, East Coker and the near by reservoir at Sutton Bingham. If you’ve never been, you should go! Walk down to the water, follow the nature trail, visit the medieval church near by. You won’t be disappointed.

What else do you love about living in Somerset?

Just being home. Having my family near by. Simple pleasures are the best.

Tell us about how we can keep in touch and come to your classes.

Find my Facebook page – Lunasana yoga, I put all class and event updates on there. I do have a website too, but I need to finish constructing that (it was trickier than I thought to do it all myself!)
All of my contacts details are on my Facebook page so please feel free to get in touch. I’m always happy to meet new people, connect with anyone interested in bringing yoga to their lives and to talk about how we can all grow together and offer yoga services to everyone and anyone that needs it.

People with yoga mats in the outdoors stretching their hands to the sky
Stretch and exhale! Image by Brendan Doyle

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